Proposal - education curriculum and operation

Revision as of 14:45, 28 June 2013 by Clarman (talk | contribs)


For Developers & all Technology Managers (including CTOs)

LASD1 (Lean & Agile Sw Dev 1): Readings

Summary: Readings (all free, online)

Person-hours: 5-10


Systems Thinking
Lean Thinking
The New Methodology
Agile Values & Principles
Scrum Guide
Scrum Primer
Unit TDD and Refactoring for Clean Code
Acceptance TDD
Continuous Integration

LASD2: Core Skills Course

Content Summary: Core hands-on skills in agile sw development/engineering (unit TDD with refactoring, acceptance TDD, continuous integration, clean code, agile modeling), and solid OO design

Experience Summary: In this extremely hands-on course, 2 teams (e.g., 14-16 people), each working together as a team, learn and apply in a structured environment with a carefully crafted education system and set of problems. The coach works intensively with the teams during group agile modeling, and intensively with the programming pairs, during development.

Duration: 5 days.

Detailed Description: Agile Software Development: Hands-On Practices, Principles, Agile Modeling, And TDD

2+ week break

LASD3: Core Skills applied in a mini-Sprint in context of a work goal

Content Summary: The skills of LASD2 are applied to a company goal, that the teams and company mgmt pick (vetted by the coach), in a 5-day mini-Sprint

Experience Summary: The 2 teams, each working together as a team, are led through a mini-Sprint. The coach works intensively with the teams during group agile modeling, and intensively with the programming pairs, during development, introducing new principles and practices and design patterns as situationally appropriate.

Duration: 5 days.

2+ week break

LASD4: Legacy-Code TDD Clinic

Context: It's easy to create clean code and do TDD and refactoring in a green-field context (LASD1 and LASD2), but that's not the reality of the developers and the legacy code base. The craft of legacy-code TDD is a very different and challenging skill-set and requires distinct coaching, in the context of your real existing legacy code. Especially difficult is breaking dependencies in the existing code, to enable for TDD, and this requires very situational coaching.

Content Summary: Legacy-code TDD and refactoring, breaking dependencies.

Experience Summary: 1 team does a "coding dojo" style learning with the coach. The team and coach are surrounding a projector displaying the legacy code, and for a 10-minute cycle, one person does legacy-code TDD and refactoring and dependency breaking, guided by the coach. Then "driving" the keyboard rotates to the next team member, etc.

Duration: 2.5 days.

Note: The coach will complete team 1 and team 2 coaching over a 5-day period.

See further description here

Operating Model

For Tech and Business Managers
